MARRIAGE... for the better or for the worse.

Issue #2: Can Marriage Provides Security After Pregnancy?

In this aggressive-driven world, people may somehow involve themselves in different untoward acts that sometimes causes unforeseeable crisis not just to themselves but to the people surrounding them.  It's quite hard to manipulate the behavior of each person; whether what they're doing is right or wrong, it is something out of our control.  Because of curiosity, drugs, alcohol, peer pressure and the likes, this all results in stressful life events that may be the reason of depression, inferiority and anti-social behaviors. There are a lot of circumstances that are the by-product of VICES, but most of them develops into the inability to make right decisions.

LUST, PASSION, LOVE and SEX. All of them are actually considered as a man's need. It gives a glow to our face and a high level of endorphins that's causing us to smile and be happy. Unfortunately, everything that's too much is bad, thus making it a rebellious WANT. A want done recklessly. A want done immaturely and a want developing into something unexpected and unplanned.

In fact, in these times, we all have to be practical. When a mistake is done, we have to straighten it in ways the Church might protest. That's mainly the reason why the church aren't all throughout in favor of conducting marriages when the woman is presently pregnant. Involving ourselves in premarital sex which is highly contrary to the teachings of the Church. But despite of it, life must go on as we say.

Well there it goes, a gift is born out-of-wedlock. Let's face the fact that out of a hundred people who just got a baby, only 40-60% of them are actually planning it. With no basis though (that's just from my own opinion and from what I've actually observed.) That's the reason why some resorted into abortion and abandonment. Some males even stupidly act as if they don't own the baby and gives the credit to other men whom they think their woman is having an affair with. Call him an irresponsible jerk! Satisfyingly, there are also some who despite their immature minds and/or the acquainted mistake, they still manage to raise their child appropriately with heads high. A pat on their back.

The pressure doesn't end there. Knowingly that, that life event is something unexpected, people usually look for ways to secure security most especially for the ladies. And that's where the big question comes in: Can Marriage Provides Security After Pregnancy?

Marriage is sacred. According to the Sacrament of Matrimony, the purpose of it is to procreate and to unify. Procreate means that married couples participate in God's ongoing creation of souls and the unitive aspect unites, or brings together the spouses in mutual joy. It is for legal and religious use wherein both man and woman are bonded with their relationship to each other, the Lord and to the government. A once in a lifetime case except in a religiously and legally favorable instances like death of a spouse.

Whether you're married or not, your life is never perfect. Many would say that being married with the father or mother of your baby can give you security most especially if they were born with the silver spoon. But that's not always the case. You have to consider your feelings, his feelings and other things deeper than what we can actually foresee. I actually have friends who in spite of the fact that they're still not ready, their parents are obliging them to get married. Although some did have a successful tie but a number of them too had a rough ride. Saying that marrying the father/mother of their kid was the biggest mistake they ever did and if only they could turn back time, they should have at least known the person pretty well before involving themselves in a union state. I'm not saying that it would take a couple of years to really get to know your partner but at least even for just a few years, you have a good idea what kind of a person he or she really is and not just concentrate on how you love them and you're willing to live everyday of your life with them whatever, whoever they may be. Dating your girlfriend or boyfriend is contrary to  being married itself. Learn to say no and be willing to wait.

Marriage is not a laughing matter and above all not done out of immaturity. If your reason of marrying your partner is because you impregnate her then wake up! Being a father is not parallel to being a husband and vice versa. Take it easy and think thoroughly. If you have enough finance to sustain yourself and your soon-to-be family, if you want to spend your lifetime with them, and supremely, if  you're ready to be attached, then go ahead and have your happily ever after story.

It takes responsibility and maturity to make decisions. Do it with your heart and brain at the same time. Remember, the heart can't live without the brain and brain as well can't live without the heart. Both should be fixed and well-balanced.


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