A Head Trip Towards the Goblin

I was reminded of a place in my area when I opened up a random site just a few days ago. The site was focusing on different mysterious public locations that brought thrill to the townsmen. With that, I can clearly remember the sequence of events that happened to me inside the biggest mall here in my town. 

About the early 60’s, the land occupying the present shopping mall was an abbey. An old, medium-sized abbey amidst a couple of tall trees. It was then when people were terrified after hearing creepy noises at night and the death of nuns one after another. They appealed to the local government to permanently close the abbey and demolish its building. However, a 68-year-old nun protested and asked not to ruin her home saying that if someone attempts to destroy it, he will be punished by her God. But her plead was not entertained and eventually, she lost her home. Together with the remaining few nuns, she left the place and cursed the land they’re standing.

Thirty years after, a businessman bought the land where the abbey used to occupy and was astonished with what he and his crew found out. A secret room was discovered from the ruins of the building. It was a dark, candle-lit room full of different obscure figures, a platform with white linens and a book in the center written in Arab which they believed not of a Bible. To preserve it, the businessman decided to keep it a secret and arose his mall over the room. Days, months and years passed. Still, everything went smoothly… until one day.

I was on my toes for a job interview as one of the mall administrative staff. On my way to the admin’s office, passing by that two-meter-width corridor, I got stuck on a specific area on the right side of the wall. There seemed to be an inconsistent texture on how the walls were polished. Sweeping over my palm from one surface to the other brought curiosity. As I was puzzled out by it’s state, a lady tap my shoulder and asked if I was okay. I nodded and went on my way. Fortunately, I was hired for the job and was asked to come back to the office the next day for my orientation. With feelings of accomplishment, I remembered what I saw yesterday and tried to figure out why I have this uncomfortable inclination. As I was walking down the corridor, I came across the lady that tapped me yesterday. She was looking at me directly as if she’s asking me something through my head. It was an alarming scenario. Passing by the same corridor became a normal thing for me. Trying not to be distracted, I focused on work and left not a single ounce of anxiety. 

 It was a very exhausting day at work. With so many deadlines to meet and a new set of employees to supervise, I was left in the office alone even though it was passed my duty time. As I was on the urge of finishing up my work, I heard a mumbling voice which sounds like it was someone praying not from afar. I tried to follow the voice and alas, it brought me to that same spot by the corridor. That was the time when it all sunk in and my heart started beating fast. I don’t know what I was thinking but I tried to knock on the wall and figured out that it was actually made of wood. I stood there for a few seconds staring on the wall when I saw something that passed by on the corner going to another door. I hurriedly went back to the office, get my things and ran carelessly out of the building. God knows how scared I was. I couldn’t sleep and all I was thinking was the voice I heard and that thing that passed by me. I forcibly thought it was all my imagination but the more I convinced myself, the more I felt thrilled.

I wanted to take a leave of absence from work and clear my mind, but knowing I’m still a neophyte made me realize that I should fight the suspense I felt. So, I went to work. I can still hear it. It was worrying me much. The voice was speaking through my head that I couldn’t fathom what he/she was trying to persuade. At the end of the shift, I went back to that area and saw that the corridor walls were covered by white curtains. I tried to push the wall and to my surprise, it did open. I’m not sure if the people working in that building were aware of it, but I found it peculiar so I went inside. It was a dark, candle-lit room. Full of cobwebs and linens. As I went down the stairs, my eyes got set on a platform that lies a body of a man, half-naked with a white cloth surrounding his thighs. I stared at him for a while until his head turned my way. God! It was ants in my pants. I was tachycardic for the whole duration while leaving the room. To my uneasiness, I tripped over the last step and crawled towards the door. An office-mate saw and helped me. She was asking me what happened and all I could say was, “there’s someone…” She didn’t understand me at first, until we heard footsteps and saw a pair of flat black ladies’ shoes behind the curtain. 

We ran as fast as we could without knowing where to go. All we wanted was to be away from that creepy place. Suddenly, people came out in one direction or the other. It was a crowd. I tried to warn every familiar face I bumped in but they never took me seriously. I felt so hopeless. A hand was waving me from afar and as I went closer, it was the lady I saw a few days ago. She told me that she knows what’s been happening to me and the secrets behind this building. She was talking and trying to explain what’s wrong but all I hear were mumbles. Her face were round. Her eyes were wide and teary. Her voice trembled in fear. She shook me hard while asking me if i was okay. I couldn’t answer. So, she held my arms and brought me in a secluded area in front of a door with a signage that I couldn’t remember. But it was something like, a room where the superior nuns were situated. To my disbelief, I shouted and was hesitant to get inside. The lady was telling me that in order for us to know the past, we should talk to them. I couldn’t dare to so I left the place crying and in panic. What I heard next was a loud shout from her inside the room. Leave this building and you will be saved.” It seems like she’s been attacked and again, I felt extremely aimless trying to withdraw myself. 

 I sat down in a corner crying and agitated. I don’t know what to do. My office-mate came and took my hand challenging me to fight my fears and for us to leave the building. As we were approaching the exit, I saw more and more familiar faces wanting to get inside the mall. From artists, classmates from both high school and college, neighbors and acquaintances. I was irking to tell them to please leave but they just look at me as if I’m no one. It was hard walking out while seeing them getting themselves bait. We were already across the building when I spotted a friend merrily on her way to the mall. I rushed towards him and indescribably saw him with an amputated right arm. I hugged him and told him to just leave for something bad will happen. Again, he seemed to not hear me saying as he was screaming at the top of his lungs how great it felt to be in that place. I couldn’t fathom what’s happening. I tried to help them, to caution them but everyone didn’t pay attention. It’s as if their minds were hypnotized

 A minute passed and I felt the ground shaking, everyone was screaming and I could see the fear on their eyes. The mall was sent in fire. It’s the doomsday, the total annihilation. Without a warning, everything crushed and one by one, I saw people losing their lives. I hastily drifted away and the last thing I remember was a car droving my way and heard a loud crash.

I don’t know what happened. I don’t know where I am. I don’t know if I can still go home and see my loved one. But one thing’s for sure, it never came into me that working there would cause me so much fear. My life, our lives, would change in a snap. As a tear fell from my eye, I felt a warm touch. Calling my name repeatedly. And as I opened my eyes, I saw a friend standing in front of me. I realized it was all just a dream. My heart was still beating fast. My sweat all over my body. Still grasping for air. But, despite the horror, I am relieved.

Dreams do mean something. It may be to caution me of an inevitable situation or to simply remind me, that Life is a never ending adventure. Whatever my dream is persuading, I know I’m ready - to face it, to fight it.

The world we live in is a puzzle. The future is a mystery. And everyday is a challenge.


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