Friends With Benefits... It's Your CHOICE!!!

Disclaimer: This blog contains words not suitable for minors. If you’re 17 years old and below, please please leave this page and don’t you dare come back. I beg you.

Issue #1: 
“friends with benefits
no strings attached
fvcking friends
a booty call
panandaliang aliw…..”

those are just some of the descriptive words we usually point to relationships, or shall i say, “the undetermined, for fun affair status that majority of the population is indulged in. Well, aside from me of course. haha. Yeah, I’m actually just one of the few remaining individuals here on earth who have not exactly experienced those kinds of indecent acts as I may say. It’s not because I’m too faithful nor too conservative but I just couldn’t take in the illusion of being in such scenario.
yet, i don’t have anything against it except if you’re in a situation wherein you already have an existing REAL relationship. Yes, it’s REALationship and not relationSHIT. See the difference? Like, why on earth would you involve yourself in a not-so-complicated state if you don’t want to make it completely complicated. You’re just gonna hurt yourself and/or your partner. If you know what I mean.
anyhows, im not here to tackle about me being tangled up with this social phenomena but rather to express the pros and cons about it.
i just watched a few movies focusing about these kinds of affairs and I could see the trend about it now-a-days. It’s like a virus that haunts every single being. Passed by to someone, shared to everyone who attempts to cuddle up with its irresistible poison. Uh-huh… just what they say, once tasted always wanted *wink*

Wikipedia defines a one night stand as a single sexual encounter between individuals, where at least one of the parties has no immediate intention or expectation of establishing a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship. In other words, PASSION + LUST + SEX - (COMMITMENT) = A TOTAL GREAT DEAL OF EXCITEMENT!! That’s just for two strangers, what more if both individuals are actually acquaintances, friends or colleagues? Doesn’t it sound more challenging? “You see, the difference between a friend with benefits and a one-night stand is the magic phrase “I don’t want a girlfriend/boyfriend.”

Have you ever been heartbroken? Have you ever tried bursting your tears for someone who doesn’t even deserve an ounce of it? Do you curse LOVE? For people who gave up on devotion, fidelity and the feeling of true enchantment - this game plan might be a great way to indulge in. If you’re someone who doesn’t want a relationship but likes… some regular SEX, why not find someone with the same inclination and become friends with benefits?
“It is a mutually beneficial relationship with a friend or acquaintance where you don’t get to take them out on a date, but you do get to call them at 1 a.m. when the bar closes to see if they want to hook up.” Simple as that! If you only stick to the plan and set your limits, then you’ll both get what you want without hurting your fragile heart.
I’m putting a note here again, if you want a casual no-strings-attached relationship, then STICK TO THE PLAN AND SET YOUR LIMITS. First and foremost, before hooking up with your supposed “friend”, you have to set your rules and agree with it mutually. Agree to share it with none but both of you, agree to leave behind emotions and possession, agree to never fall in love. You don’t want to get laid with someone who talks trash about you behind your back nor someone who becomes clingy and develops feelings towards you in the end. Well, if that happens, deal with it in the right time. Then again, I’m just reiterating that you must be ready for any possible unforeseeable circumstances that might happen. You’re just human, you got feelings too.

Relationships, whether it’s real, casual, for-fun or the likes have both great and awful beginnings and endings. Then again, everything you do is your CHOICE. Be Mature, Be Responsible and at least, Be Sensitive.


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