
Showing posts from 2012

MARRIAGE... for the better or for the worse.

Issue #2: Can Marriage Provides Security After Pregnancy? In this aggressive-driven world, people may somehow involve themselves in different untoward acts that sometimes causes unforeseeable crisis not just to themselves but to the people surrounding them.  It's quite hard to manipulate the behavior of each person; whether what they're doing is right or wrong, it is something out of our control.  Because of curiosity, drugs, alcohol, peer pressure and the likes , this all results in stressful life events that may be the reason of depression, inferiority and anti-social behaviors. There are a lot of circumstances that are the by-product of VICES , but most of them develops into the inability to make right decisions. LUST, PASSION, LOVE and SEX . All of them are actually considered as a man's need. It gives a glow to our face and a high level of endorphins that's causing us to smile and be happy. Unfortunately, everything that's too much is bad , thus makin

i am :)

some say im cool some say im sweet some say im nice some say im tweet some say im bad some say im meek some say im toss some say im strict i am fun i am content i am jaunty i am open i am loving i am caring i am patient i am intense i am quiet i am imaginative i am fickle i am sensitive i am in guilt i am deep i am a waste i am stupid i know how to sing i know how to dance i know how to write the loveliest lines i know how to love i know how to care but i also know how to get angry & kick some ass i crave for flowers , im into chocolates i like sleeping & i love to eat i thank my friends , i learn from parents i desire for serenity , i want to be in peace i dislike nightlife but im fond of staying out i abhor flirting but i akin to being showy i loathe liars but i lie wen its needed i hate PDA but i enjoy showing feelings i may be wise i may be witty i may be wonderful i may be great i may be gifted i may be striking t

when a GIRL.... (shared)

(~_~) =► When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. (~_~) =► When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. (~_~) =► When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions. .. she is wondering how long you will be around. (~_~) =► When a GIRL answers 'I’m fine' after a few seconds... she is not at all fine. (~_~) =► When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. (~_~) =► When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. (~_~) =► When a GIRL wants to see you everyday … she wants to be pampered. (~_~) =► When a GIRL says 'I love you' ... she means it. (~_~) =► When a GIRL says ' I miss you' ... no one in this world can miss you more than that. Is it? YES!!

amboot kigwahon nga kabao ;p

yes, 8 years and 10 months . Ingon ana nami kadugayon sa akong uyab. Dugay na uie, dugay najd kaau. Nagsugod lang sa simpleng "Hi! Can you be my textmate?" drama. Silingan rami. Pero kung lakawon ang amo padong sa ila, managko pud imo bagtak. Mao mas maau ug mg.habalhabal nalang, dyes pesos ang plite. dili pud saun ang dagan sa among relasyon. tanan na siguro klaseng kasakit nasinati na namo. Daghan pud pagsulay ang n.abot. pero ambot ug ngano ng.dugay man mi. babaero man kaau 2 siya. sa first 4 years namo, sus! wa jui klaro. on and off jud mi. usahay muabot pa sa punto nga makapangutana ko ug uyab ba jud mi. unsaon, magpakita xa, unya mawagtang. magpakita napud, nya mawagtang... kung kog lain, masuko xa mao ng kung mkhibw pud ko nga ng.iring-iring xag lain, masuko pud ko. hahahaiiizz....labad pas labad 2ng taohana. daghan kaaug babae. m.inom. manigarilyo. racer. himarkada. laagan. mao ng makasabot ko sa iya mama kung mag.yaw2 nah. kay pwerteng badlongona jud. mal

A Head Trip Towards the Goblin

I was reminded of a place in my area when I opened up a random site just a few days ago. The site was focusing on different mysterious public locations that brought thrill to the townsmen. With that, I can clearly remember the sequence of events that happened to me inside the biggest mall here in my town.  About the early 60’s, the land occupying the present shopping mall was an abbey . An old, medium-sized abbey amidst a couple of tall trees. It was then when people were terrified after hearing creepy noises at night and the death of nuns one after another. They appealed to the local government to permanently close the abbey and demolish its building. However, a 68-year-old nun protested and asked not to ruin her home saying that if someone attempts to destroy it, he will be punished by her God. But her plead was not entertained and eventually, she lost her home. Together with the remaining few nuns, she left the place and cursed the land they’re standing. Thirty

Friends With Benefits... It's Your CHOICE!!!

Disclaimer : This blog contains words not suitable for minors. If you’re 17 years old and below, please please leave this page and don’t you dare come back. I beg you. Issue #1:   “friends with benefits no strings attached fvcking friends one-night-stands a booty call panandaliang aliw…..” those are just some of the descriptive words we usually point to relationships , or shall i say, “the undetermined, for fun affair ” status that majority of the population is indulged in. Well, aside from me of course. haha. Yeah, I’m actually just one of the few remaining individuals here on earth who have not exactly experienced those kinds of indecent acts as I may say. It’s not because I’m too faithful nor too conservative but I just couldn’t take in the illusion of being in such scenario. yet, i don’t have anything against it except if you’re in a situation wherein you already have an existing REAL relationship. Yes, it’s REALationship and not relationSHIT . See the differen